Thursday, August 13, 2015

Unexpected Blessing

He really wanted me to see his brand new training center, but I didn't know why. I thought perhaps it might be another case of an African ministry leader wanting to show me his dream project and then hoping I would help him fund the completion of it.

But I couldn't have been more wrong. Pastor Selenga was not your typical ministry leader. Besides having been the legal rep for his own denomination, he was now the director of ReachAfrica—the regional division of ReachGlobal formerly known as the Evangelical Free Church Mission. It's not every day that an African, let alone a Congolese, is a senior executive of an American mission.

Thirty minutes later, we had navigated the traffic jams of Kinshasa and rolled into the small courtyard of CEMIER—Centre d’Equipement en Mission et Leadership de ReachAfrica. As I was shown around, I couldn't believe this entire facility had been modified, prepped for operation and that already over one hundred pastors and layman were enrolled in courses. That doesn't include the two dozen women at risk being helped at a vocational center behind the main building.

When we got to Selenga’s office, he smiled and said, “All this is here because of you.” My puzzled look prompted his explanation. Last year, During another trip to Kinshasa in order to accompany and translate for two representatives of a mission-minded philanthropic foundation. Among some 40 national church leaders I had introduced them to, was Selenga. What I never knew is that my two friends had maintained dialog with him resulting in a grant that allowed Selenga to acquire, remodel and launch this center all in a few short months.

There is nothing more rewarding for me than to be a network connector that results in a positive advancement for God’s Kingdom. And when it happens as an unexpected blessing, it's the most rewarding of all!

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