Sunday, October 28, 2012

African Overachiever?

And I thought I was busy being involved with four different mission organizations!

But during the past couple of days, I learned it would be impossible to match the output of one particular Nigerian mission leader, especially one with the ambitions of Timothy Olonade.

With Timothy Olonade in Nigeria
This past Saturday and Sunday, I agreed to participate in a pastor’s conference that Timothy was presenting in the capital city of Abuja. I’ve known Tim for some time, meeting up with him here and there in various global consultation over the past twenty years. However, this is the first time I’ve had the privilege of seeing him in action—on his own turf. Passionate about getting local pastors to fully use the Bible in their own preaching, his practical workshop has taught them to use such resources as the Preacher’s Outline Bible. By the end of the conference, I was impressed how both pastors and their wives were capable of taking any passage and present a five minute mini-sermon complete with three or four points.

But this is just the beginning of Timothy’s impressive list of involvements. Summarizing all of it under the label of M2414 (for Mathew 24:14) here are just SOME of his activities:

·         BLM – Bible for Life & Ministry Workshop
·         Kairos: Connecting God, the Church and the World
·         GIST: Global Impact Strategic Training
·         EWI: Encountering the World of Islam Seminars
·         MDN: Mentor Development Network
·         PIN: Professionals into the Nations
·         EEG: Engagement with Elders at the Gate (encouraging senior leaders)

If that isn't enough, Timothy is also the Africa rep for Global Mapping International besides serving on the steering committees of the Lausanne Movement and the Ethne-To-Ethne consultation. Even his wife, Hannah has followed his example launching Women of God International and the SMILES Initiative, a ministry to widows and orphans.

I’ve learned that articulate national mission leaders like Timothy are usually in high demand on the international speaking circuit. That has certainly been true of him in the past. But what I really appreciate most about these two days of working together is seeing how Timothy is living out his new commitment to turn down international invitations and focus his remaining years on mentoring the next generation of pastors and leaders right here in his own country.

Overachievers or not, I'm praying that Africa can produce a lot more key leaders with that same kind of commitment!


  1. WOW! That's my daddy! He found what he was placed on this earth to do and he eats, sleeps, and breathes it. Extremely are right on that one Jon!'s a joy to see both him and my mom live for a bigger cause. You read about all these great world changers, but I grew up with one! Lucky? More like completely blessed! ...Proud of you dad.

  2. Jon, this is very humbling. As you know we are not the one doing things. God is doing His work, all we seek to do is tag along and labor with Him. We don't go around pleading with God to bless our work, we simply look out to see what He is blessing and we gladly pour our lives into it. And we get blessed to bless others.

  3. Reading this brings tears to my eyes, because my heart is bursting with joy anhd i kn ow how blessed i am to have such great pepol as parents. everyday of my life you have spent it fufilling God's purpose and may you continu to find fufliiment in it. i am soo proud of you dad and i pray God raises more peole like you because thats what africa and the world needs.

  4. Pleasantly surprised to read of your experience and observation of Bro. Timothy. Sounds familar to when I first met him in 1996 and introduced him to The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible series of verse-by-verse Bible study materials -- created, published, translated, and distributed by LEADERSHIP MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE in Chattanooga in 1993. As founding Exec. Director was my great joy until 2005 to engage and enlist natural leaders like Timothy into equipping God's servants with OULINE Bible materials in the language of their hearts. Trust you will both be blessed and bless Timothy in coming times, Jon. - Jack Walker

  5. Very true of a leader, mentor and father. A passionate believer in developing the younger generation. So pleased to be identified with his blessed family and ministry works.
